When life were hard, people always try to find someone to blame, for 1900s Garmen is Jew, for 1980s white people is black guys. But the truth is there's no one you could blame. Good or bad, things just happened. The true question is what you have done to make it better.
权势下的女人被影响的女人不管哪个译名都很形象控制欲极强的丈夫一直让患有精神病的妻子顺从自己的安排却在最后要她“做自己”她已经不知道什么是自己在接近崩溃时发出的呼告是对父亲说“could you stand for me”纯真孩子们最后也选择推开父亲保护母亲高喊“leave her alone”导演的选角除了找了个丈夫来饰演自己其他都是现实生活里的人物总之关于这女人的一切看得令人窒息