好久没有去这种独立电影放映了在结束鼓掌的时候感觉找回了去年在hk看电影的感觉真的好希望这种机会能多一些 《最强大脑 dr 魏》是真的好看也是真的魔幻最魔幻的是导演也是应聘进去的(导演还蛮好笑的)他自身的立场也不是完全抽离在外的但呈现出来的效果却很讽刺而且他是完全一个人在拍我真的respect也许就...导演和这种得天独厚的素材互相成就吧缘妙不可言
Read the book years ago, don't remember every detail though the violence is pretty true to the general Reacher series theme. I always thought it's a sad book as how the series started with a major personal loss that Reacher had to suffer. The lone wolf got ever lonelier.