Helen realized the earthquake in her mind is Noah and decided to move on. Alison showed up late and carelessly while Cole still cared about her meanwhile she needed him. Luisa nearly got arrested without green card then conflicted with Cole. Vik had pancreatic cancer and wasn’t getting treatment but one kid. Ben and Anton’s story was something new.
正如英文片名一样As far as my feet will carry me. 我在想最后在大桥上又见到那个死老头的时候男主的反应应该是红了眼要玩命才对呀他妈的历经这么多的波折全熬过来了现在过大桥你还拦我我在进去牢里好像一切努力重头来过今天必须极限一换一把你弄死 (以上纯属自己yy当然如果是因为过了桥会有人保释14MAY18_XXXXXL56ENDIAN美V还是说3年的崩溃已经不计其数男主已然是坚韧不拔内心就坚定一个信念:活着那也很有道理)