“working jobs we hit then we can buy shit we don't need.当你失去所有到达极限才能得到真正的自由你的车不是你衣服不是你工作不是你” 但没有规矩不成方圆~挑战一切否定一切裸女最终也就否定了自己 看完了~~主人公人格分裂欲求不满裸女最终自取灭亡不过否定一切挑战一切的精神也算强了
“my principal objective: the portrayal of someone in a state of profound alienation from the world and himself, unable to find a balance between reality and the harmony for which he longs, in a state of nostalghia provoked not only by his remoteness from his country but also by a global yearning for the wholeness of existence.” // 但仔细想想目标和现实也有一丢丢距离