When I was a childI talked like a childI thought like a childI reasoned like a child. When I became a manI put aside my childish ways. And now these three remainfaithhope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1. 每个人收集信息并且构筑自己头脑中的limited reality 2. 2岁之后神经元减少青春期大脑前额皮质层发育成年后大脑的结构也可改变老年持续学习的部分会缓和帕金森症状对大脑的影响 3. 潜意识做了大量的决策 4. 用意识做决定需要理性和感性同时参与意志力是可消耗也可锻炼的资源 5. 大脑需要社交保持健康大脑的前额对“物”的反应很低so dehumanized行为会导致社会集体暴力事件 6. we're just discovering the tools to shape human species destiny.