but i can appreciate the beauty of a flower, at the same time, i see much more about the flower than he sees. i could imagine the cells in there, the complicated actions inside which also have beauty. there is also beauty at smaller dimensions, the inner structure, and also the processes. does this aesthetic sense also exist in the lower forms? science knowledge only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower. i don't understand how it substrcts.
Cultural appropriation at its worst如果交给日本导演拍(比如实相寺昭雄)会拍出超五星的呈现吧刚开始看觉得故作实验但熬过前三十分钟慢慢接受这种先解构把图像符号化再重组的手法老翁H狠狠躁死你H尤其是十三本书的呈现方式前卫得仿佛看了一个performance piece;女主和出版商才是真爱以肉与书相连;Greenaway好喜欢用倒影啊jerome死时身上的映像也好美
I hold a sanctuary in the hearts of those I care for. 看了俩中译版本果然取了sanctuary“圣堂”的意思未免太自我颂扬很有鲜红的革命精神但完全不符合Carton的人物性格他从来不认为自己是神圣的烈士而是一直在寻找堕落前的自我所以作“庇护所”解更合理老翁H狠狠躁死你H是在他爱的人的心中得以延续生命、获得救赎