又是一個癲狂互動式觀影體驗 從鮮紅的嘴唇出現開始尖叫歡呼就此起彼伏 全場跟著電影又唱又跳又喊又叫 對著男女主齊聲高喊Asshole Slut 頂著報紙 扔著麵包 一邊點燃打火機一邊給There's a light over at the Frankenstein Place和聲 這瘋瘋癲癲的一夜仿佛感受到了七十年代的那場狂歡
Land? Land is too big for me It's a ship too big for me. A woman too beautiful. a voyage too long. It's a perfurm too strong a misic I didn't know how to make...I could never get off the ship