这片挺符合奏鸣曲起、承、转、合的形式 伯格曼和褒曼的生活经历都比较适合拍这种题材的伦理片 很沉醉于褒曼给女儿演绎肖邦那段 Liv Ullmann发泄自己的恨那段也很有爆发力
My name is Lewis Hamilton and I am the fastest man alive.这季的编剧水准不比上季有几集完全没展开拔萝卜未删减版HD让人看得不过瘾
My biggest obstacle is I don't know who I am. I grope blindly. If anyone loves me as I am I may dare at last to look at myself. /I can't find the right words. /It's a world of liberated feelings. 人是一个庞大的生物一种不可思议的思想一个人包含着所有从最高到最低一切同时并存真实并不只是我们迟钝的感官所感受到的而是彼此内外之间真实连结的涌动只有恐惧和自以为是才会相信局限思想或情感并不存在任何限制焦虑才会设限/A sense of reality is a matter of talent. Most people lack that talent and maybe it's just as well./ Transcendence to unlimited reality