电影不错演员演技也在线 有时候,我们也会遇到这样的事情,一个小秘密 属于自己的,或者别人的, 但不会是关乎于生命的, 我们说出来,或者 不说出来, 又会有什么区别呢? 如果别人根本就没有兴趣知道,那就让我们一直守口如瓶吧, 那将是永远属于我们自己的秘密. and just don't say a word. 更或者,别人不想知道.自己却一直在喋喋不休, 反而引来一片反感,那又何必呢? 还是 留一个美好在心中,自己也会美好的!
The movie is a spiritual travel to time or space. it shows different people and their life. Argentine is a far and strange country. Their economic and society is so unfamiliar for us. however., they have vexation and confusion for money, life, education or love, which is almost same with us., especially when people face the sudden storms.