哎呀台词真的写的太棒太棒了不管是朋友间的吐槽玉焰还是家人间的絮絮叨叨都对片子的整体情绪起到了极大的推动渲染作用好几次看着就不自觉的同意的拍起了大腿都说神经质的女主好演但是演不好容易过了变成神经病女主虽然在过与不过的边缘徘徊但是还算很好的拿捏好了度那段和女儿第一次见面的餐馆里的长镜头完成情绪转变的难度简直太高了最后那句This is life的结尾简直太棒
You thought it will be safe,but it still somehow, finds a new way to break. Because even though you are the one who asked for this, now that your get it, you are completely adrift with no compass or map or sense of where to go or what to do. You think you might find community, a connection to something bigger, but you don’t.