An enemy they can't see. A nation under siege. A crisis they can't control
A lot of parents will do anything for their kids, except let them be themselves. 对Carrie的抵抗肃然起敬理解她的愤怒尊重她的选择既然活着不能好好相处离别时欺骗性的告别也意义不大双方保留哪份终生遗憾才对得起母女一场对女性最敏感的Sophia终究还是逃不掉半生男儿身培养起来的烂态度她能在任何人面前维持decent可到自己儿子身上她回到了他最讽刺也最伤感的是她不会尊重女性吵架后的gossip让她体会到了女性自己阵营里互相伤害有多难以接受大部分女生还是高中生经历这个的Mei的角色描述并不差一讲中文就尴尬的老问题了看了Suzan的颁奖视频更佩服她的演技了真的绝了本庄瞳这些演员太棒了
the wonderful thing about falling in love is that you learn everything about that person, and so quickly. And if it's true love then you start to see ourselves through their eyes and it brings out the best in you and it's almost as if you're falling in love with yourself.