优雅的像一幅中世纪的油画表现的却是情爱和遗憾吸血鬼故事是西方的聊斋他们是人间的孤儿即使永生不死不可得依然不可得痛苦依然是痛苦无一幸免漫长的时光里乏味遗憾和渴望都被无限放大歌剧院里的吸血鬼戏剧每天都在上演却无法反应任何的真实对谈的结构和阴郁的设定都很好摄影略弱- Don't be afraid. I'm going to give you the choice I never had. - The world changes, we do not, there lies the irony that finally kills us. - Your fall from grace has been the fall of a century.
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