兜兜转转黑人做爰XXXⅩ性少妇69最后发现原来我们在找寻彼此我对你的思念和你对我的思念一样多温暖安慰最后Philomena讲故事时候说的“I've never seen anything more beautiful in my whole life. I never saw that coming”也是我想对这个寻子的故事说的男主Steve Coogan长得太像《肾好不好睡一觉就知道了》里的Junior中年版
为Adele加星我真的可以看Adele发呆吃东西打电话喝酒跳舞走路睡觉流眼泪总之就是做任何事看到她我就相信她落幕后我就更加喜欢她// strikers vs. Adele - “We have to work together to make a change.” “Sorry but I don’t believe in change.” “Don’t believe in change, meaning?” “It means I have a flight and I’d like to take it.” “What about the future?” “I don’t even know if I’ll live tomorrow.”